Great article! One thing I never could agree with Nietzsche‘s perspective is that „God is dead“ and although he is very very very „smart“, I felt he never could find the God in Himself. Because from my perspective; God is ever-alive and ever-breathing right now when I am typing these words. But when it comes to this article, Nietzsche is right. We never should be attached to „happiness“ nor „sadness“. All we need to be is to be ever-still, unattached and remain powerful in our beings. Powerful enough to be authentic, ever-confident and accepting one’s destiny with a huge faith that is what is. It’s already written, so why complaining “that this should never had happened” or “wishing to do it better in the past” - nope, it has happened on purpose! All of that we are experiencing in this hard battlefield of “low-vibrational” world. But I remain light and love and always dance with God! 😀🌈