Very beautiful, profound post and right now I look out the window and think THANK YOU that I have the very greatest gift of being able to connect with everyone, on an emotional, mental, spiritual level and that is exactly the only thing that keeps me going and since financial independence is very important to me - for the reason, to be able to live life in simplicity and generosity, also because I love the feeling of making life more beautiful for others every day by being full of abundance to make them happy, to see life from a better perspective, with gifts, food and everything, that life has to offer, and since everyone has the right to feel rich in life, money will always play a role, not for myself, but to share with others, to give a part of the goodness of my heart, to inspire - I want to be that loving, generous friend, that the world has never experienced - thanks again for the great post, it got me thinking about what makes me so passionate and makes me forget time quickly - it's the stories of all the people I meet - it's at that very moment that I know I'm alive and nothing and no one can really replace that!